Client Relationship Mastery

Faculty: Cynthia Sharp, Esquire

Length - 180 minutes

Course Description

An ideal attorney/client relationship runs smoothly from start to finish. The client is satisfied, refers friends and pays legal fees on time. The attorney enjoys professional, personal and hopefully financial rewards. However, the reality is that issues and problems (many of which are avoidable) can arise at any point during the course of representation. This program offers a practical and strategic approach to developing and maintaining effective and ethical relationships with law firm clients.

Attorneys are first and foremost professionals dedicated to serving clients. However, lawyers must receive reasonable payment for services rendered in order to run a viable practice. Unfortunately, many unwittingly run afoul of ethical parameters in the context of setting and collecting fees. This program will focus on provisions of RPC 1.5 and case law including recent developments. Seasoned and novice attorneys alike will benefit from the practical guidance on how to protect fees while staying within ethical boundaries.

Attendees will learn:

  • Powerful Practice Building Skills
  • Five Key Points to Address at the Outset of Representation
  • Strategies for Handling Difficult Client Situations
  • Obligations Upon Termination of the Relationship
  • Legal Fee Arrangements/ Ethical Implications and Practical Applications
  1. Essential clauses to include in retainer agreement
  2. Effective limitation of scope of representation
  3. How to avoid unethical fee arrangements
  4. Perspectives on Unbundled Fees
  5. Ethics of Fee Splitting